Adobe Illustrator Masterclass
Gain more confidence in your AI skills with this step-by-step video training. It covers flats, repeats, colorways, linesheets and more.

Design to Development
Cut your tech pack time in half (and make sure your files are professional) with this training, complete with swipeable templates.

Become A REAL Freelancer Today
What’s the biggest difference between Successful Fashion Freelancers who are creatively fulfilled, set their own flexible schedule, and choose projects they love…


(when you enroll before the timer runs out)

$694 real world value, they're yours for free

(just tap that button 👇)

It's time to work for yourself in fashion AND make money.

If you’ve devoted years to building your fashion industry skills...
But still don’t have the work-life balance or creative freedom you deserve...

I have a question for you.
...and those who are stuck in the Exhausted Employee rat race with 12 hour days, toxic bosses, and uninspiring work? (Or worse, those who give up on their fashion dreams altogether?)
I’ll give you a hint:
It’s the same thing that separates those who wait forever for their “big break” but never even get their foot in the door…
From the ones who skip the line, break in through a locked window, and create a kicka$ fashion career on their own terms.

  • If you think the answer is living in a fashion hub with a massive network of industry connections
    … it’d make sense, but that’s not it.

  • If you think it’s 10+ years of experience and knowing ALL the things about design + development
    … nope, it’s not that, either.

  • If you think it’s a degree (or two) from FIT, a loaded trust fund, or being cutthroat AF
    … sorry, you’re still wrong.

I won’t deny that some are “nice to haves.”
(Especially that cushy trust fund…)
But there’s something way more important that ALL Successful Fashion Freelancers have.

Without it, no amount of experience or connections will keep your efforts from falling apart faster than a Zara dress in the spin cycle

... And you’ll find yourself back in the fashion career rat race.

Working another 60 hour workweek for a job that barely pays enough to make rent...

Staying late to clean up your coworker’s .ai layers…

Missing dinner with your kids (even if it’s just dino mac ‘n cheese)...

And choking down the expired granola bar lurking in your desk drawer.


It’d be nice to ignore those hostile late night ALL CAPS emails from your boss. (I mean, how is it your fault that Tiffany sent incomplete tech packs, or that Chelsea forgot to approve the lab dips?)

But alas, you’re doing tech sketches on the weekend just to catch up.
It’s no wonder that on your long commute home you think...

“Is this fashion dream really just the dead end my parents told me it would be?”

“I already make more $ in 1 day than I did in an entire week full time at my old job!”

“I was being so underpaid, but thought I didn't have any other options. I dropped out of fashion school & wasn't living in a fashion hub. I love [freelancing] so much, I get to choose my projects and how much I want to work. Within a few months of freelancing I already make more $$ in 1 day than I did in an entire week full time at my old job!!”

- Alexandra Agreda, 3D patternmaking, Pennsylvania USA

Or if you’re still trying to break into the industry?

You’re competing for low-paying jobs with designers who’ve got 5+ more years of experience than you. The “thanks but no thanks” form letters and outright ghosting leave you feeling more useless than a single shoe at the bottom of the DSW clearance bin.

Either way, you eventually start thinking...

“Maybe the problem is me. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this fashion thing after all.”

But here’s the truth: The problem isn’t you. Your fashion career—and your life—shouldn’t be this way. You’ve committed to working in this brutal industry. In spite of your family’s doubts, and everybody who helpfully wondered, “Have you thought about being an accountant instead?”...

You kept going and put in the hard work to develop your Illustrator and tech pack skills. You invested time and energy to learn about trends, fabrics, construction, and the difference between a POM and a BOM.

You’re not asking for much.

It’s not like you rolled up on day one expecting a corner office, an expense account at Saks, and NYFW notoriety.

You’d happily settle for work-life balance, a livable wage, and the chance to do the inspiring work that drew you to fashion in the first place.

People love to tell you that misery is part of the deal. “That’s just how things are when you work in the fashion industry.”

But that’s a lie.

You’ve paid your dues, and you deserve better. You had the courage to follow your passion, and it should lead you to the life you want… Not lure you into a dark alley, knock you down, and steal your fave Kate Spade.

True, remote freelancers make their own flexible schedules and work from anywhere!

"I want to have more freedom in my day and not be tied to a desk."

After all the blood, sweat, and tech packs… isn’t it time you finally see some payoff?

❤️ You deserve the freedom to work when and where you want (because you don’t need to be in an office to be a kicka$$ designer).

❤️ You deserve to book a beach vacation on YOUR schedule (because you shouldn’t need anyone else’s permission to take a few days off).

❤️ You deserve to choose clients who respect you (instead of taking daily abuse for every late sample and incorrect proto).

❤️ And you deserve to make a good living doing it (enough to pay ALL of your bills, save for the future, and actually enjoy your life).

Let me say that again:
You effing DESERVE it.

So… Why aren’t you there yet?

Four reasons most aspiring Successful Fashion Freelancers don’t go all in on their dreams


You know freelancing is the only way to get the flexibility and freedom you deserve. But between your toxic job, your loving but oh-so-demanding toddler, and “life” stuff like laundry and dishes… you’re already stretched thinner than a line sheet. It feels like there’s no way you can start a whole freelance business with everything else you’ve got going on.

You’re not afraid of a little hard work...

But it’s tough to prioritize bigger goals like finishing your portfolio, figuring out all the biz stuff, and finding clients when your kitchen table is covered in a 3 week mountain of laundry. So you tell yourself you’ll start your freelance career “once you have the time”… And your goals end up dusty in the back of the closet with the “workwear” you haven’t seen since March 2020.

Roadblock Reroute

“I’ll never magically 'find' time to start freelancing. But making time is a lot easier with a clear roadmap.”

With a proven roadmap for freelancing, you won’t waste your rare free moments between Zoom calls and after bedtime just trying to figure out what to do next. Say buh-bye to the bottomless YouTube rabbit hole of “how to find freelance clients” and instead use the little cracks of time you do have to make REAL progress.

Because becoming a Successful Fashion Freelancer won’t take nearly as long as you think.

“I landed a gig for $1,890 in just a few weeks.”

“I’m enjoying the course SO much. The little tweaks I made in my pitching worked wonders. I updated my portfolio and I landed a gig for $1890 in just a few weeks.
“I could really see the effects because everyone I was pitching was mailing back. They were setting interviews. They were saying. Yes, let's do this. And I was like, well, this is really working.“

– Lucia Sanguinetti-Jonescheit, textile design, Germany


Being a Successful Fashion Freelancer IS about loving fashion and design. But it’s also about running a business… Which leaves you with enough questions to fill the third floor of Bloomingdale’s.


How do I “pitch” myself and convince clients to hire me? Don’t I need to be good at marketing?

What about invoices and contracts? Do I have to spend my last three paychecks hiring a lawyer?

Don’t I need a website? A registered business? A YouTube channel? A blog? A perfectly curated Instagram feed?

What about a services price chart? Where do I even start?

Generic resources give the same useless tips like “Set up an Upwork profile,” “Get your portfolio in order,” and “Start connecting on LinkedIn.” Like… WTAF are you supposed to do with that advice? So it’s no wonder that the very thought of diving into a freelance business leaves you sweatier than an Under Armour ad.

Roadblock Reroute

“With a proven system, launching a freelance business is a LOT simpler than I thought.”

Put down that endless to-do list. You don’t need to do ALL the things. In fact, you hardly need to do any of them. Really!

With tried-and-true templates just for fashion, you can swipe from someone who’s been there and focus on the things that matter. Avoid getting stuck, skip the time-wasters, and get straight to the good parts… getting awesome clients, sending invoices, and growing the fulfilling fashion career you deserve.

Smaller brands are MORE likely to work with freelancers.
It's less risky and more affordable for them--a win-win!

"I want to work with fashion brands I love instead of mass-production companies."

“I learned the exact process and it was such a liberation…”

I did not know how to deal with clients, how to get paid, how to be successful… After my first project, the client didn’t pay. And it felt like I was in constant search for a job, as after one project gets over, I need to think about finding the next.
After attending Heidi's course, I learnt the exact process and it was such a liberation. I started getting more projects and even took in other designers and expanded my team.
“I can realise my vision, from the comfort of my home, which is great. I love this life.”

- PKP,  surface pattern design, flats, & tech packs, India


Yes, your circumstances ARE unique. But here are the most common reasons people think freelancing isn’t an option… are they sounding just a *bit* familiar? ;)

😕 I don’t live in a fashion hub! I live in a small town where I can’t find any clients.

😕 I hardly know anyone. I don’t have a big enough network to freelance.

😕 I don’t live in the US, so this stuff won’t work for me.

😕 I don’t have any experience! No one is going to hire me.

😕 I didn’t go to fashion school, and you can’t freelance as a self-taught designer.

😕 I have years of experience, so my rate would be way too high. No brand is going to pay me that much!

The industry has taught you that location, connections and experience are everything, but they aren’t! And I talk to freelancers every day who prove it.

Roadblock Reroute

“My unique situation might present challenges, but I’m inspired by the stories of Successful Fashion Freelancers like me!”

Keep reading, because I’m going to share stories from SFFs who’ve overcome all of these challenges and more. I’ve never heard of a freelancing roadblock that was truly impossible to overcome. No matter where you live, your skills, or your network…

YOU can be a Successful Fashion Freelancer.

“Once I was just a normal reader [of your emails] thinking - can I be like them someday? Thanks to all these things, I am closer to my dream career. [Within my first two months freelancing,] I already have 3 paying clients, and 3 more lined up! As I have not gone to [fashion] school and I don’t have any real industry experience, I have to work hard for more, and I will.”

Arya Mishra, flats, India


⛔️ My portfolio still needs too much work, and I’m nowhere near done with my website.

⛔️ I’m not an expert; I need more experience before I can start.

⛔️ I’m not confident enough to reach out to people I don’t know.

⛔️ I don’t have any experience! No one is going to hire me.

⛔️ I’ve worked hard on my AI + tech pack skills, but I’m still not good enough.

⛔️ I’m not cutthroat enough to make it in fashion.

It’s our brutal industry that makes you feel this way. It’s also what I’m most passionate about changing. Because if you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll stay stuck as an underpaid, overworked Exhausted Employee until you retire… or worse, burn out and leave your dream career altogether.

Roadblock Reroute

“I can be a Successful Fashion Freelancer with just ONE skill, as long as I follow a roadmap to build my career.”

Yep--you can build a rock-steady freelance career with just ONE skill. And while it’s possible to figure out the business side of freelancing through trial and a whole lot of error...

You’ll save yourself money, frustration, and a buttload of TIME if you follow a roadmap for finding clients, pitching, invoicing, contracts, and all the other stuff they don’t teach in fashion school.

ou don't have to know it all. With a proven roadmap and the right support, you're already on the path to success.

"I want to freelance in fashion, but I'm terrified that I don't have all the answers."

“I went from having zero confidence to feeling so excited about my future!”

“[Before FAST] I felt very insecure. It felt like I have to convince them they need me, when I did not believe in myself and my skills either.  

"I finally learned how to present myself professionally, finally heard back from my applications and I finally made my clients happy. In my first year of freelancing I have already surpassed my earnings from when I was working full time for a brand! I could not believe it.

"I went from having zero confidence to feeling so excited about my future! For the first time I feel like I'm on the right path, and it is a priceless feeling.”

Katerina Dimovska, textile design, Macedonia

You know that freelancing is the secret to ditching the fashion rat race and finally seeing a payoff for the work you’ve ALREADY done. And with the tools I’m about to share, your SFF career is around the corner.

✅ A flexible schedule? Uh-huh.

✅ Creative projects you love? Yep.

✅ Consistent, reliable income? That too.

Because when you have the right tools to set up your freelance business (like plug-and-play templates for things like contracts and invoices, and straightforward guidance on the nitty gritty details)... And you have tried-and-true strategies to succeed at the things that really matter (like finding clients, landing paying projects that inspire you, and growing your business on autopilot)...

The life you deserve suddenly becomes a lot easier to reach.
I know, because I’ve done it.
I’ve taught hundreds of other Successful Fashion Freelancers to do it, too.

And now I want to teach YOU.

The Adobe Illustrator Masterclass + Design to Development Bonus expire Friday 👉

Hi! I’m Heidi.

I’m a fashion designer, author, coach, and expert on all things freelancing in fashion. I’ve always been head-over-houndstooth obsessed with fashion. After launching my own brand and getting it into 50+ retailers around the world (without fashion school or any experience)... I was still eating ramen and counting pennies (since all profits went right back into the business).

So when my dream fashion job fell in my lap, I took it. But that “dream” gig quickly became a real-life Devil Wears Prada nightmare.

Complete with ALL the cliches…

... Staying until 9pm to finish line sheets and approve knit downs.

... Waking up at 5am to review protos on Skype with the factory.

... Returning “inspo” samples on weekends (and almost getting banned from Neiman’s).

And the worst part?

I was burning out on monotonous projects I didn’t care about.

Honestly… I started questioning whether this whole fashion thing was even for me. BUT, I wasn’t ready to give up on my passion. So I quit my job to become a freelancer. (A true remote freelancer, not a temp job “permalancer.”)

👉 After a lot of learning on the fly... and making $0 my first year... I eventually got the hang of things.

👉 By year 2, I’d tripled my previous full-time salary.

👉 I grew to $100k+ while working exclusively on projects I felt passionate about (not whatever was dumped on my plate).

And the best part? I actually had a life again.

The freedom and flexibility freelancing offered was EMPOWERING and liberating AF.

It beat the sh!t out of working 60hr weeks for a boss who treated me like garbage and where I had to ask 2 months in advance to take a single Friday off.

Like OMFG... #moretolife

Which is why I wanted to help Exhausted Employees like you break free from the toxic rat race, too.

So I took everything I learned from 10+ years of trial and error and building a $100k+ freelance career…

And created a step-by-step roadmap to help other fashion obsessed folks (ahem, that’s YOU) ditch their toxic jobs and become Successful Fashion Freelancers.

A roadmap that takes the guesswork out of creating a standout portfolio, finding clients you love, getting consistent work, pitching, pricing, contracts, and ALL the other biz stuff fashion schools don’t teach.

So, if you’re ready to finally get the fashion career and life you deserve...

Slowww your scroll for a sec.

Because 5 minutes from now, you’ll have what you need to get there.

All the tools you need to launch a career as a Successful Fashion Freelancer FAST (even if you don’t have industry experience, business knowledge, or a large network).


✅ Exhausted Employees who’ve struggled through layoffs, low pay, and toxic jobs and are ready to enter the flexible world of freelancing in fashion

✅ Designers, TDs, patternmakers and textile designers who are ready to find success FAST, without abandoning their passion and creativity

✅ Students and “new to the industry” fashion peeps who still haven’t gotten their foot in the door and are ready to jump start their career on THEIR terms

“My side hustle quickly became my main hustle.”

Since I enrolled, my business has grown immensely. I’ve had to hire 3 permanent employees, 2 interns, and now I’m looking to hire at least 2 more people in the coming month or so. My side hustle quickly became my main hustle. Not here to brag, just to give hope to anyone that’s struggling. There is lots of work out there, you will find it!

- Connie Bourgeois, Development & Production, Missouri USA 

Inside FAST, you’ll find all the steps, systems, and templates you need to set up your freelance business, win paying clients, and pursue projects you love... So you can create long-term growth & limitless opportunities.
No fluff.

Just real, actionable advice to get you where you want to go. 

“The life I have built would not be possible without your course.” 

“Your courses have helped me so much fulfill one specific goal of working remotely from my country abroad. That felt unreachable a few years back. I can now call myself a freelancer and I started without ‘real experience.

“In Greece an average designer works [well over 40 hours per week] with a monthly salary ranging between $700-$1300. I work on Upwork part time, around 10-16 hours a week, and I’m making $3k-4k a month.

“When I get up in the morning and start to work I cannot believe that I am actually living what I was once dreaming about and this instantly makes me so happy!”

Eleni Apostolopoulou, tech packs, Greece

Step 2: Getting Inside Your Customer's Head 

Learn how to make sure the brands you’re dying to work with are dying to work with you, too.


In Step 2, we cover:

✅ How curiosity will get you your next job 

✅ How to make yourself irresistible to brands 

✅ How to be a mind-reader and stand out from other freelancers your ideal clients will be lining up to work with you.

Step 3: Finding the PERFECT Client 

(again, and again, and again...) 

Finding brands to work with is a little like online dating. You’ll learn exactly how and where to connect with your perfect customer… and how to make sure they swipe right on YOU every time.

I’ll set you up with all the tools to snag those digits and get serious with that special someone client 

In Step 3, you'll find out:

✅ Where to find clients (no matter where you live) 

✅ The right way to contact brands (like, literally, where to find their email address)

✅ How to impress them and stand out so hiring you is a no-brainer

Step 4: Pitching, Pricing, and Getting Work 

Ooooo yeah. This step is the money maker. Because now it’s time to turn steps 1-3 into cold hard cash. You’ll skip the biggest hurdles that hold most freelancers back from earning what they deserve.

And you’ll get all my tips on doubt-free pricing and contract-winning pitches so you can start sending invoices and raking in the dough.

In Step 4, you’ll be empowered to: 

✅ Decide between hourly and project pricing and know how much to charge 

✅ Make sure your rates are fair (so you don’t scare brands away or lowball yourself)

✅ Turn casual brand conversations into paying customers  

✅ Create crystal clear proposals and contracts that save your butt

And with my plug-and-play email templates, all you have to do is copy > paste > fill in the blanks and hit send for things like pricing, proposals, contracts and more. 

"I want to find well-paying fashion clients who know the value of my services."

Cut out the guesswork and use proven tools to find your ideal clients faster & easier than you ever thought possible.  

“I sent over a $5k invoice the other day for the first time.”

“If it wasn't for the outline that you had given us for our proposals, I wouldn't have even known how to do it.”

-Mari Medina, knitwear design, NYC

Step 5: Turning One Project Into Many 

Learn how to go from your first project to a client list more packed than a Barneys sample sale. 

(So you can skip the endless hustle that burns most freelancers out.) 

✅ Getting ongoing projects from existing clients 

✅ Landing referrals to expand your biz 

✅ Collecting powerful testimonials to prove you kick a$$ 

In Step 5, you’ll master: 

...and grow your business on autopilot.

I’ll also set you up for massive success by addressing common challenges like:

★ And quitting your day job 

★ Getting deposits

★ Protecting yourself

★ Controlling scope creep (when a client asks for more than you’ve agreed to)

★ And quitting your day job 

“One contact can snowball into so much more work! It was faster than I ever would have thought!”
“A year and a half in, I exceeded my previous full-time salary. Now, coming up on 4 years freelancing, I’m earning 75% more than my last salary and have as much work as I want with clients coming to me instead of me having to pitch brands!

“My favorite things are setting my own schedule and being able to choose my clients so I work with people I enjoy on projects that I love doing!”

- Alison Hoenes, patternmaking, Missouri USA 

But wait...

because just like a late night infomercial…there’s more!!!

I know you’re ready to jumpstart your business and start making more $, like yesterday. So you’ll also get:

Exclusive access to our private FAST community 

It’s the only place you can connect with 200+ other fashion freelancers. It’s also the ONLY place we share freelance opportunities and when you enroll you get an entire year of access for FREE.
Jump in today and...

► expand your network 

► learn from SFFs who’ve been there  

► ask questions, brainstorm ideas, and exchange tips to help you on your journey  

► snag your share of the freelance gigs that get passed around 

► and enjoy connecting with an amazing group of other kicka$$ freelancers 

Your FAST friends (and new freelance opps) are waiting to give you a big-a$$ welcome, right on the other side of that enroll button. 

“I got 3 new clients from opportunities that were shared inside the FAST group! Two of them have turned into ongoing projects. Rough dollar amount has been about $15k! 

Connie Bourgeois, Development & Production, Missouri USA 

Plug-and-Play Business Templates

The video lessons give you everything you need to pitch clients, handle push back, and get massive results…

But sometimes you just need a big old shortcut.

If you’re worried about sending a perfectly-crafted pitch, negotiating a contract, or sending a rock-solid invoice, I’ve got you covered. I’ve loaded FAST with business templates that will help you navigate those tricky client interactions they don’t teach you about in fashion school. With my proven templates, you don’t have to wing it.

You’ll have foolproof guides to tackle every step like a freelancing pro (even if you’re a total beginner).

You’ll get:

► Client communication emails

► Proven pitch templates 

► Pricing, proposal, invoice, and contract templates  

And way more!

"I'm scared to freelance in fashion without a steady paycheck."

With the right tools, you can design a freelance career that's MORE reliable than a traditional full-time job.  


Join before the timer runs out to snag my Illustrator Masterclass AND Design to Development
($694 real world value)

The 5-Step FAST Roadmap will give you everything you need to go from Exhausted Employee to Successful Fashion Freelancer.

But to help you get there even faster, you’ll also get these kicka$$


I’ve loaded FAST with SO many bonus goodies. Here are some of the best:

I wanna freelance in fashion, but I need to get better at Illustrator first.

It’s one of the MOST common reasons aspiring freelancers stay stuck. Excuse me for throwing the kitchen sink at you, but there’s no way I’m letting tech stand in the way of your success.

Which is why, when you enroll by Friday night, you'll get

instant access to my most coveted closed courses.

Adobe Illustrator Masterclass AND Design to Development (my course on tech packs).

Illustrator & tech packs are in-demand freelance skills. But since fashion schools give you the shaft and the University of Google is severely lacking in this department, I’ve added them to FAST.

In the Adobe Illustrator Masterclass, you’ll learn the easiest and
fastest ways to use Illustrator without the painful trial and error.

Don’t waste another minute spiraling down a YouTube wormhole. AI workspace essentials, flats, repeats, colorways, line sheets… we cover it ALL in the Masterclass.

“Going through [Heidi’s courses], I feel so much more confident about my skills.”

“Honestly, I feel a little bit more skilled working with Illustrator than some designers I used to work with who have been using it for years. So that is definitely a great confidence booster for someone who is fairly new to the actual industry.”

- Trevor Hill, 3D design, Alabama USA

Step 1: Building a Solid Foundation Fast

If you want a steadily growing client base, exciting new projects, and repeat work with well-paying brands...

You’re gonna need a solid foundation. 

Step 1 helps you:

✅ Attract the clients that need you most 

✅ Avoid common mistakes that trip up most freelancers 

✅ Create a kickass portfolio that brands love

It’s where you’ll nail down the freelance basics and gain the confidence to take it to the next level. 

“I just have more confidence in myself now.”
When you carry yourself with confidence, people will want to work with you. I have a steady, consistent weekly income and it’s nice knowing I can provide for my family now.”

- Kaozong Scott, pattern + sample making, Iowa USA

And with Design to Development, you'll quickly add tech packs to your freelance skills.

It’s one of the most requested services for freelancers, so get ready to land some legit paying projects.

Swipe my proven TP system that’s as easy as File > Save As… so you can bust out professional tech packs that any factory can read, QUICK.

The Masterclass + DTD can’t be purchased anymore, and access is reserved exclusively for FAST students who enroll by Friday to help you level up your freelance game.
Dive into both of them tonight, as soon as you click “enroll.”

“They sent my tech packs to the factory and they got amazing feedback!”

“I focused on doing just tech packs which I love! (Thank you for your course!) One of the startup brands I work with wanted to do the production at [an in-demand] factory that does not take on start ups. So they sent my tech packs to this factory and they got amazing feedback! We are indeed working with this factory now!”

- Eleni Apostolopoulou, tech packs, Greece 

FAST also comes with these kicka$$ bonuses:

Bonus #1

If you’ve been sending out ANY number of pitches but not hearing back, this bonus was MADE for you.

We reached out to our students to see what they’d been sending out to get ACTUAL paying work. And they shared their incredible pitches.

You get the EXACT pitches that:

💸 Eleni from Greece has used to earn $3-4k a month of CONSISTENT income doing exclusively tech packs.

💸 Alison, a patternmaker who started with just a couple years experience, has used to earn a $3900 project on Instagram (and earn 75% more than her previous salary).

💸 Lucia, a textile designer from Germany, used to land a $1890 project on UpWork just weeks after joining FAST. (She then went on to get more, and more, and more clients.)

💸 And more!

The Proven Pitch Pack

Pitch templates our students have used to make THOUSANDS

Each of these pitches has generated thousands (heck maybe even tens of thousands!) for our students, and I want to share them with you!

"I'm not really a people person. I'm very introverted. But it's been like a week and a half and I should be proud of myself because I am hearing back from people. I think I've heard back from like 4 of the 12 pitches I've sent. They're grateful I've reached out."

- Alexandra Agreda, patternmaker, Pennsylvania USA

Bonus #2

But your portfolio doesn't need to be overwhelming AF.
(Which is why I wouldn't leave ya hanging without a massive portfolio bonus!)

The Fashion Portfolio Roadmap

Your portfolio is important AF.

You can create a standout freelance portfolio that wows brands and gets them to sign on the dotted line…
In just ONE weekend.

Inside FAST, I’ll show you how with my fashion portfolio formula, including step-by-step videos, portfolio examples, critiques and more. We cover every niche--from shoes to kids, and tech packs to textiles--and answer ALL the questions (like how much to include, the best platform, and whether it’s ok to show self-directed projects).

Choose what’s relevant to you, and finally get your portfolio done. (Like THIS weekend!)

“The portfolio critiques are SUPER helpful as they give me ideas to develop my own and how to keep it simple so I get to the point without going overboard and taking too long.”

- Brittany Posey, flats & tech packs, Military spouse currently in Ohio USA

Bonus #3

FAST is designed for you to take action and get results AS YOU GO. (It’s not just another course that’ll collect dust on your hard drive.) That’s why you get a full year of access to our monthly live group coaching calls where I serve up real-time personalized advice with an added dose of inspiration. You’ll get answers to your most pressing SFF questions so you can crush your goals and keep the momentum going in your career. (I’m excited to see you on the next call in a few weeks!!)

1 Year of Monthly Live Coaching Calls + 1:1 Strategy Sessions

Need more custom guidance? I’ve got your back.

No matter where you are on your freelance journey, we’ll dive deep into your unique challenges and strategize for your success.
Plus, you’ll have lifetime access to a growing vault of freelance Q&A that you can watch any time.

You’ll also have the opportunity to apply for a live 1:1 Strategy Session with me during your first year in FAST.

“I had an awesome strategy session with Heidi and it was ammmmaaaazing! ...we cannot do this alone. We need each other.”

- Arin Moyer, inclusive patternmaking & design, Belgium

“I wanted to say a huge thank you for the 1:1 session on Thursday. It was SO helpful. I feel like I’ve been pulled out of quicksand.”

- Vanessa Dawson, textile design & patternmaking, Scotland

⭐️ My proven 5-step roadmap covering everything you need to become a Successful Fashion Freelancer

⭐️ Downloadable transcripts in English, French, and Spanish

⭐️ Swipe templates for pitching, negotiating, contracts, invoices, and more

⭐️ The Fashion Portfolio Roadmap, guest expert workshops, and the Q&A vault

⭐️ Bonus: Proven Pitch Pack with templates our students have used to make thousands

Phew, ok that was a lot. In case you need a quick recap...

The second you join FAST, you’ll have lifetime access to:

And 12 months of access to:

⭐️ Our private student community to chat with other freelancers and find freelance opportunities

⭐️ Bonus: Monthly live group coaching calls, plus opportunities for 1:1 Strategy Sessions



And when you get in before the timer runs out on Friday, you'll also get EXCLUSIVE access to my Adobe Illustrator Masterclass and
Design to Development
(my course on tech packs).

A $694 real-world value... yours FREE as soon as you click "Enroll."


One Payment of $997


6 Payments of $187


“This course has changed my life completely. I feel like I have limitless opportunities.”

“I feel like I have a choice. I can go anywhere from here. There was one point where I felt stuck in New York City. And now, I'm not in that place. If my parents need me, I can choose to go back home to Puerto Rico."

“I feel very blessed to be pregnant, and I’m not worried at all about managing work and family. It doesn’t even cross my mind anymore.

“It has ended up being the best work that I've done in my career so far. I'm proud of putting my work out there and I feel more fulfilled by it!””

- Mari Medina, knitwear design, New York USA


You’ve probably heard of 30 day money back guarantees, they’re pretty common. But we go way beyond that. We offer you a 60 day money back guarantee, and we actually have 2 of them.

Send out 10 pitches using FAST strategies and if you aren’t happy with your results, I’ll hop on Zoom and give you a live Pitch Critique. All you have to do is show me the pitches.

Send out another 10 pitches and if you still aren’t happy with your results, I’ll give you a full refund. All you have to do is show me the pitches using what you learned in your Pitch Critique.

“This course is a necessary toolkit for freelancing in the fashion industry.”
Being your own boss is probably one of the most rewarding things. I feel stronger and more confident. [My business] has just been going up and up and up. It feels like, just constant growth.
“I have more work than I can handle, to be honest. I can very comfortably pick and choose who I'm working with. And I recently raised my rate to $60/hour.
“It feels pretty powerful. Maybe bada$$? I feel like I'm kind of kicking butt over here. 

-Ellie Wilcox, 3D patternmaking, Military spouse currently in Alaska USA

“I’m just doing fashion flats. [Within my first two months freelancing,] I already have 3 paying clients, and 3 more lined up! As I have not gone to [fashion] school and I don’t have any real industry experience, I have to work hard for more, and I will.”

– Arya Mishra, Flats, India

“If you really want to freelance successfully this program is worth your money x1000.”
“I wanted more work-life balance. Now I have my son full-time and I’m working at naps, at nights and in the mornings. I have all the work I want
, and I haven’t cold pitched or updated my portfolio in over a year and a half.
“I’m working part time and making [1.5X my old hourly rate]. It's just self affirming that if I want to do something crazy and scary, I can do it. It's empowering.
“These things would take you years to learn [on your own]! There is no one out there doing this and talking about it. I did a lot of Googling and you were the only thing out there that’s actually been helpful.”

- Amy Barnhart, menswear design, Seattle USA 

Still not sure if FAST is for you?

Pop quiz! If you can say yes to at least 5 of the 8 things below, you're ready to take the next step…

✅ You’ve worked in a full-time position for years and want to make a change. You’re ready to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of being your own boss. 

✅ You’re brand-spanking-new to the world of fashion and want to freelance right out of the gate. You’re passionate about the industry but don’t know where to start.

✅ You can pass the “one skill” test. Sure, you can offer ALL the skills as a freelancer... but the truth is, you only need ONE skill to build a thriving career. Flats, tech packs, patternmaking, or anything else. You just need ONE skill.

✅ You’re reluctant to freelance because you don’t know how to land clients. You know you’ve got the industry chops, but don’t know how to convince potential clients that you’re the right person for the job.

✅ You’ve been trying... or been thinking about trying... to freelance. You just don’t know what steps to take to get you where you want to go. It’s overwhelming!

✅ You want to feel confident in your career and your skills as a freelancer. You’re ready to embrace a new mindset and ditch that imposter syndrome once and for all.

✅ You’re ready to put on your fave leggings and pitch. Once you secure that first project, your possibilities are unlimited.

✅ You’re prepared to give FAST a fair shot. You’re willing to apply the lessons and be on the FAST-track to get your freelance career off the ground, win clients, and land projects you love.

If you checked at least 5 of the 8 boxes above, then you owe it to yourself to give FAST a shot.

But even though this is THE roadmap to becoming an SFF without the overwhelm or burnout... FAST isn’t for everyone.
You might not be right for FAST if…

The investment of $187 per month would stretch your finances too far. I believe in investing in yourself, but not if it means maxing out your CC. So if that’s you, go ahead and wait. You’ll probably be ready the next time we open the doors.

You want a magic pill for all your Exhausted Employee problems and expect to be rolling in freelance dough overnight. Can SFFs consistently pull off $100k years? Absolutely! Does that happen in a week? Hellz no. It will take some time and effort (like anything in fashion), but it’ll be years faster and hundreds of pitches easier than the DIY route.





Oh hey there, I see you reading all the way down to the bottom. 

You star student. I like you already.

If you’ve hung around this far, you might be on the fence. So let me make it crystal clear.

Here’s how you can confidently decide if FAST is right for you:

✅ If you’re burned out from toxic, low-paying fashion jobs and you’ve had enough… you’re ready to join FAST.

✅ If you’re new to the world of fashion and looking to build your career YOUR way… you’re ready to join FAST.

✅ If you know you deserve to have freedom, work life balance, a flexible schedule, and a great income working on projects you’re passionate about… you’re ready to join FAST.

✅ And if you don’t want to waste any more of your time on trial and error… you’re ready to join FAST.

I can’t wait to see you finish your portfolio, land your first paying gig, and grow your freelance career. 

What if I don’t have enough experience? ▸What do I do if I need support? ▸Can you remind me what’s inside again? ▸When does it start? ▸How long do I get access? ▸Can’t I just Google all this? Or just “pitch more”? ▸

Legit Q’s other Successful Fashion Freelancers asked before joining

What if I don’t live in a big fashion hub (or in the US)? ▸What if I don’t have enough time? ▸I'm interested, but I still have questions! ▸


Lifetime access to my 5 Step System to Freelance in Fashion

1 Year of Monthly Live Group Coaching (for personalized help) 

1 Year of Private Community Access (where freelance jobs are shared) 

4 Guest Expert Workshops (learn how to scale) 

15 Portfolio Critiques (get yours done this weekend)

A Suite of Bada$$ Bonuses









Total Value

$8,500+ USD


One Payment of

$997 USD


Six Monthly Payments of

$187 USD









$1,997 USD